Monday, 9 June 2014

Dream and hope, dream in hope!

So this blog title follows on from a conversation I was having with a friend last night. Let's just say we can often get carried away into our own worlds with regards to handsome men, otherwise known as obsessions.

We could spend hours and hours talking about meeting these lovely people and what we'd do if they appeared in front of us. My reaction for both John Owen Jones and various others was I'd probably squeal and run away, or stand gawping at them. Neither reaction would be particularly attractive and I know I wouldn't be able to force words out of my mouth.

As for my friend, I can see her in my mind's eye, getting redder and redder, the embarrassment showing through-to be fair she'd probably squeal too! We're bad influences on one another in these circumstances.

When we were talking about being in a picture last night with her favouritist person ever, Richard Madden. She said she dreams about that day....let's just leave this blog there, shall we?

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