Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Book lovers in a bookshop.....what happens?

I seem to have neglected this blog for quite a while so here goes the "catching up" phase.

During the past few weeks there have been birthdays, the queen's commonwealth baton and various other interesting days. One of the ones that sticks in my mind was the weekend that has just passed us by, though it is Wednesday now, never mind! Bonus of being off until September....

I was out for the day with one of my closest friends with the sole purpose of going to see The Fault in Our Stars. Epic film! We sat and sobbed, or I sobbed and she sniffed through the majority of the movie. Afterwards we proceeded to argue about who was crying the most and have a giggle about how handsome Ansel was and how strange it was to see him kissing Shailene after Divergent. I think I won the argument (as I always do!) and then we settled in to winding each other up over lunch.

After food, we toddled along to the BOOKSHOP, shock horror!

I think we would both spend our life there if we could, being complete bookaholics! As always we wandered and picked up books and put books down...and then completed the cycle a few times before leaving the shop with 5 books between us-not bad for a days' work if I do say so myself! Let's see what happens next time.....

Monday, 9 June 2014

Dream and hope, dream in hope!

So this blog title follows on from a conversation I was having with a friend last night. Let's just say we can often get carried away into our own worlds with regards to handsome men, otherwise known as obsessions.

We could spend hours and hours talking about meeting these lovely people and what we'd do if they appeared in front of us. My reaction for both John Owen Jones and various others was I'd probably squeal and run away, or stand gawping at them. Neither reaction would be particularly attractive and I know I wouldn't be able to force words out of my mouth.

As for my friend, I can see her in my mind's eye, getting redder and redder, the embarrassment showing through-to be fair she'd probably squeal too! We're bad influences on one another in these circumstances.

When we were talking about being in a picture last night with her favouritist person ever, Richard Madden. She said she dreams about that day....let's just leave this blog there, shall we?

Monday, 2 June 2014

"I've had a good life..."

This blog seems to range from post to post and this post has got to be one of the most heart-wrenching I'm ever going to write.

I visited my Gran as I do most Friday nights. She was very happy and chatting away to mum and me, it is beyond me sometimes where those huge smiles come from when she isn't at her best. I keep telling her that she has the biggest smile in the world and reminding myself how lucky I am to have her as a Gran-I truly am, her influence in my life has been profound and even though she has Alzheimer's I can still see the person she was and still is in those fleeting moments when she tells me to put on my cardigan.

I don't know where we'd be without the Alzheimer's but there's nothing we can do and so we just have to be thankful for every moment that we have.

For the double-whammy, after spending some time with my Gran I went to speak to some of the other residents in the care home. This is something which gives you hope in humanity again. Anyway,  as I went to start my round of saying hello to everyone and was shouted by my mum to say hello to, let's call him ML.

ML is a relatively new resident and though I'd spoken to him briefly before, I decided it would be nice to have a chat. *Cue sitting on the floor and talking until you lose the feeling in your legs* and the thing that struck me out of that conversation was that even though his medical diagnosis of Alzheimer's has meant that his life has been turned upside down, he's still thankful for having a good life. He also convinced me to stop worrying and just take each day as it comes because you can't do anything else. What a sweet, gentle soul.

As you may be able to figure out, this made me take a few steps back and re-evaluate life. If I'm going to think anything about my life when I'm old and grey I want to be able to say "I've had a good life."