Thursday 29 May 2014

Books and Tolkien!

Books are one of the things in life that can bring you instant happiness, I say this as a book geek.

Through my eyes you can never have too many books-even if your room is overflowing with them. I love books and the escapism they can bring, you can travel on many journeys by reading books. For now, I am in Tolkien's land-not quite Mordor but almost...I'd say Isengard is closest to where the majority of characters are and even then that's not specific. Tolkien is a master of writing, his lands are so detailed. Imagine developing the land, from the Shire to Mordor and from Rohan to Isengard on top of producing the languages which are on display throughout the books-as you can probably tell I'm in awe of him!

Authors work so hard and very few manage to be noticed, but I thank all those authors who put in so much effort and give us stories to enjoy! I really don't know what I'd do without books...let's not even think about that...

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