Wednesday 28 May 2014

1st year? No chance!

It's a funny feeling knowing that you've finished your first year of university and in September you will be one of the few people guiding the "newbies" around campus. I can't believe how quickly these past 9 months have passed and how many new people I have met.

During the past 9 months I have learnt more than I thought was physically possible...maybe starting to learn 2 new languages has something to do with that. I have loved the independence that university has given me although I know that at various points I have been close to tearing my hair out-thankfully it didn't come to that!

For the next few months I hope to be spending more time with my family and friends alongside working with children who have disabilities which I am very much looking forward to. I'm hopeful that having some time off uni will allow me to catch up with books, books and more books- I'll let you know what happens with that...I have hope! :)

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