Friday 6 December 2013

Busy is not the word.....

The past few months have been quite mad. There doesn't seem to have been a moment to sit and reflect on how things have changed in the past few months. To be honest, I can't believe that I only left high school in May, worried about university and now I'm nearly at the end of my first semester- It's been a whirlwind! I've met loads of lovely people and I'm having a blast on my course, though it requires a lot of work too.

Here's to exams, next semester and loads more adventures in the big wide world!

Thursday 29 August 2013

Edinburgh Festival!!

Well, I certainly am a lucky person to be able to say that I have performed with NYCoS Training Choir at the Edinburgh festival! This is something I am definitely not going to forget in a while.... 
I could have told you as soon as I stepped off the train that the atmosphere was electric. It took me 15 minutes to walk from the train station to St Giles (yes, it was that busy)!
Our rehearsal took place in the early evening and many visitors were flocking in and out, while us musical geeks admired the acoustics of the building. 

The concert went very well, the cathedral was packed and we were all knackered by the end of the day (next morning) but that's what it's all about and  I can't wait to get another opportunity like this! 

Friday 12 July 2013

Tired.....never, life is about adventures!

These past few months have been very busy. I really don't know where the time has gone since I last posted and to put it into perspective, I only have 9 and a half weeks until I start university!

In these last few weeks alone I have; finished school, turned 18, been to prom, celebrated more 18ths and been on a singing residential course for a week!

Throughout the residential course, which finished last Saturday, I met many new friends who share my love of music and many of my other obsessions, not limited to.... Phantom of the Opera, reading, Alfie Boe and many other things.....

If only I was a wonderful blogger, life would be even better as a lovely knight will soon lift me off my feet.... :)